MindChamps PreSchool accepts local and international children between the ages of 18 months to 6 years.

  • Playgroup (18 months to 2 years old)
  • Nursery 1 (the year they turn 3 years old)
  • Nursery 2 (the year they turn 4 years old)
  • Kindergarten 1 (the year they turn 5 years old)
  • Kindergarten 2 (the year they turn 6 years old)

Note: It is important to us that your child fully benefits from the programme. As such, in order for your child to qualify for admission into a particular group, your child would have to be deemed, at the time of application by a MindChamps PreSchool staff, to have attained sufficient maturity in order to benefit from the programme. Prior to admission into the programme, the parent and child will be invited to visit the centre to spend some time with a member of the staff who will orientate and explain the procedures and features of the programme.

The following is the teacher-child ratio for our centres:

ClassAgeMindChamps Ratio
PlayGroupAt least 18 months1 : 6
Nursery 1The year they turn 31 : 7
Nursery 2The year they turn 41 : 9
Kindergarten 1The year they turn 51 : 11
Kindergarten 2The year they turn 61 : 12