When a baby is born, it is born with an almost unlimited potential for success – with the ability to grow and learn coded into its DNA.
Recent advances in the study of epigenetics strongly suggest that though we all possess the genetic capacity for growth and change, it remains only potential unless unlocked through our interaction with our environment. Whether we express our genetic potential, then, depends very much on our experiences. Particularly our experiences in the early years.
The MindChamps foundation model for learning in the 21st Century is called the 3 Minds – a practical, developmental model comprising three distinct qualities:
- The Champion Mind – Celebrating the individual’s uniqueness, going beyond conventional wisdom and overcoming adversity to achieve success.
- The Learning Mind – Strategies for Learning How to Learn that actively assist any learner to understand, store, recall and synthesise information and concepts.
- The Creative Mind – Connecting multiple perspectives and integrating them to solve problems and generate new, creative ideas.
Complementing the 3-Mind education model is MindChamps’ overarching philosophy of 100% Respect, Zero Fear – a way of approaching the world that leads our students to have full confidence in themselves, while considering the rights and opinions of others.
This offers our children the ideal opportunity to express their incredible potential – especially with the parents’ understanding and involvement.