“It is vital to remember that information … is not knowledge; that knowledge is not wisdom; and that wisdom is not foresight. Each grows out of the other and we need them all.”
– Arthur C. Clarke

The symbol of MindChamps International Preschool is the bamboo plant, one of the most successful plants in the world, because of the ‘preparation’ it goes through underneath the ground, before the extent of its development is apparent. A bamboo plant spreads by first extending roots and tendrils beneath the soil, giving the plant a firm hold on the essentials of water and nutrition – and an extensive physical foundation to sustain the mature plant – before the first shoots appear on the surface. Once it begins to ‘shoot’ however, it does so quickly and efficiently, because all the required elements are in place. The mature bamboo plant is resistant to almost all natural threats in its environment because it is flexible and every element of its structure support every other.
The lesson of the bamboo can be applied to great effect when developing foundation programmes for young learners.
MindChamps International Preschool introduces and carefully nurtures ‘foundation’ skills and strategies designed to create a cumulative effect, gradually developing competence in all key areas of development.
The 10 Key Roots of the Bamboo
Building on this metaphor, the 10 ‘key roots’ are the learning and development strategies which will underpin a young child’s mind, social and intellectual growth throughout childhood and into adulthood:
Champion Values and Social Skills are more important today than ever before, and they are learned young. Fear, of public speaking, of sharing our ideas – even fear of rejection – is a learned response; a behaviour programmed in childhood and lodged in the non-conscious mind.
Our young children need to develop their self-confidence and social skills – including their empathy and compassion – at an early age.
Young Children learn best through hands-on experiential activities – as exemplified in MindChamps’ ‘Crafted Play’. MindChamps’ Theatrical Strategies are developed from solid, established theatrical principles and practices.
Creativity and Creative expression are developed through exploration of diverse media, and through the employment of generative questions. Creativity & Theatrical Strategies are designed to engage young minds and bring life to every aspect of the curriculum.
Associative Thinking and Cognitive Strategies are developed in the programme through ‘relationship and connection’ questions and exercises, ‘cause and effect’ questions and exercises, problem-solving activities, and numeracy-based, language-based and inquiry-based learning activities.
With communication skills being critical to success in the 21st Century society, laying strong preschool foundations for language and communication is essential.
Communication Strategies are developed in MindChamps PreSchool Programme through a variety of engaging social language activities, which enables young children to develop their own responses.
Language skills are further enhanced through the specialised MindChamps Natural Literacy and Reading and Writing Programmes.
MindChamps’ Narrative Intelligence Strategies are designed to build a child’s mastery of learning domains through their natural affinity with stories and metaphors. These strategies are designed to create successful future readers, writers, storytellers (and learners), and provide an environment that nurtures the child’s love for story and reading.
This approach is based on the latest scientific research into language acquisition and the importance of a child’s engagement with language, rather than the discredited ‘drill and kill’ approach.
MindChamps has developed the ‘MindChamps Reading and Writing’ and ‘The Love for Arabic’ programmes especially for pre-readers and emerging readers.
They incorporate age-appropriate activities, including our unique ‘Say and Sing’ approach to developing phonemic and phonics awareness.
These strategies lead children to see several possible pathways to the final answer. Children learn to focus on the ‘how’ (process) of arriving at the answer – as opposed to simply memorising the algorithm (conventional method) for reaching the answer.
Fun numeracy activities lead children to understand the logic of numbers, number structures and patterns. Children also develop their own written and verbal language responses to number facts and relationships.
In a world where the environment is endangered, our children’s generation will need to act positively and effectively in relation to protecting the ecology.
Our Nature and Environmental Awareness Programme is an on-going priority and is developed in the curriculum through the exploration of themes: Me, My Family, My Friends, My Community and My World.
Decades of research have shown a strong and positively connected relationship between certain movements and cross-lateral neural development.
The MindChamps NeuroMooves™ programme is scientifically designed and uses a variety of engaging and exciting developmentally appropriate activities, such as coordinated cross-lateral movements to help our children develop gross motor skills, musical intelligence, coordination and balance.
These developments help provide better blood-flow to the growing brain while laying neural foundations for a wide range of thinking skills.
Music is important in developing shared neural networks and integrating conceptual development in all areas of learning and social-emotional growth.
This is a new and exciting area of study in neurology and psychology, and in this area – as in many others – MindChamps PreSchool is significantly ‘ahead of the curve’!
Music, used in accord with the latest scientific research into integrated cross-domain learning, is the root that connects and empowers all the other roots, making Music for Learning and Life, a unique and vitally important development in the area of early childhood education.
Core Programmes
MindChamps Reading & Writing™ (Natural Literacy™)
Fun with Language™
The Love for Chinese Language™
Numeracy Strategies™
Enquiry Teaching and Learning™
Enrichment Programmes
Creativity & Theatrical Strategies™
Gourmet Moments™
Music for the Mind™
The acronym S.M.I.L.E.S. stands for:

By constantly focusing on the creation of S.M.I.L.E.S. activities, the MindChamps teacher or ‘educarer’ will be led to provide age-appropriate stimulation to the children under his/her care.
Encourages an active learning and thinking approach through which the children construct meaning from their experiences with the social and physical aspects of the world. A MindChamps classroom is Experiential, Experimental and Engaging, and Enquiry Teaching and Learning ™ is key to that philosophy.
Designed to naturally enhance every child’s ability to read and write, MindChamps Reading & Writing™ & Natural Literacy™ programmes have been developed by a team of leading Early Childhood Language Acquisition and Literacy experts, using the latest understandings of Early Childhood development.
What makes this programme a breakthrough in early childhood literacy training is its focus on engagement, exploration and immersive reading strategies – an approach which all leading literacy experts agree is the best preparation for a life of effective and enjoyable reading.
One of the key highlights of MindChamps Reading & Writing is the collection of proprietary e-Books, that is specifically crafted to deepen your child’s love of reading.
For younger children in Playgroup and Nursery One, the Natural Literacy programme is incorporated into the curriculum to provide an experiential and natural language learning environment.
Purposely designed to create highly-successful future readers, writers and storytellers by making the process of reading fun and enjoyable. This immersive approach to language-building is fun and engaging, and based on the latest research into Early Childhood Language Acquisition.
These strategies lead children to see several possible pathways to an answer. Children learn to focus on the ‘how’ (process) of arriving at the answer – as opposed to simply memorising the algorithm (conventional method). Early numeracy is about developing a familiarity with the concepts and the structures that underpin all mathematical knowledge. These concepts are best learned through immersion, exploration, experimentation and engagement. For a MindChamp, all these things are fun.
Enhances your child’s language communication skills in the areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Research has shown a significant advantage for children who are raised and taught in a bilingual environment, and this programme is specifically designed to make every child’s relationship with the Chinese language and culture a friendly and engaging experience.
Research demonstrates that early experience of, and engagement with, theatrical strategies enhances social and emotional development, and that experience in the formative years with creative expression lays strong foundations for essential creative thinking skills in later years.
The Creativity and Theatrical Strategies™ programme is based on developing the ‘3 Cs’ – Confidence, Creativity and Collaboration. It uses immersive storytelling, and enables children to ‘Physically Become’ characters and/or conceptual components in the crafted creative exercises based on each story.
Created in conjunction with our experts in theatre and film, this programme has always been held in high regard by parents.
This programme offers opportunities for children to make observations, ask questions and to compare. This is done by getting them to observe the ingredients used and create opportunities for them to enquire and explore the origins, the preparation methods and nutritional values of food.
Music is vital to the development of language and listening skills. Music and language arts both consist of symbols that when used in combination, abstract concepts become more concrete.
Music experiences are brilliant neurological exercises vital to intellectual development. By combining the rhythmic movement with speech and song, children are given the opportunity to further develop their minds, particularly in the areas of ‘inner speech’ and ‘impulse control’ which contribute to language development, self-management and social skills.
By providing planned strategies and activities that integrate different genres of music, movement, dance, creativity, singing and playing of musical instruments, children are led to explore, enjoy and solve problems to enhance their creative potential.
There is clear evidence in the research of the relationship between specific physical activities and positive neuronal proliferation, leading to enhanced cognitive development. Of course, for young children, such activities should be introduced as a form of fun, engaging and exciting play – not a rigid regime of physical activity.
- Spatial & Body Awareness
- Brain-Building Movements
- Basic Gymnastics
- Relaxation Mooves and
- Creative Visualisation
Children love the activities in NeuroMooves™, but there is far more to the programme than fun. Engaging children with brain-building exercise from an early age nurtures both body and mind – a winning combination!
What Makes a MindChampion?

The MindChamps Education and Life Philosophy of 100% RESPECT, Zero Fear nurtures children to become young Champions, distinguishable by these 10 values:
- I am Confident
- I am Grateful
- I have Integrity
- I am Self-reflective
- I Focus on the Beauty in Others
- I Embrace Setbacks as SetUps
- I Value Feedback as a Seed for Growth
- I am Creative
- I am Compassionate
- I am a Life-long Learner